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    • #6865

      Dear visitor,

      Welcome to the Q&A block for the Session 4 of the The Fifth Science-Policy Forum for Biodiversity and The Eighth International Conference on Sustainability Science, scheduled on 21 April 2021.

      Please note that, since all the questions cannot be handled in the time provided, this section is made for all the presenters, panelists and attendees to continue the exchange through the forum which will remain open for three days after the end of this session, i.e; till 27 April 2021, to give an opportunity for the online discussions to continue.

      As a starting point, the questions, responses and comments have been documented under the Science4biodiversity account. You may continue discussions with the account provided to you.

      Thank you for your patience.

    • #7385

      Dandan Yu questioned
      At the international level, is there an agency to develop a guideline to guide research and decision-making on climate change, biodiversity and public health at the national level?In addition, is there an international scientific program to promote this work?

    • #7387

      Bertha Cecilia Garcia Cienfuegos questioned
      How will it be approached, or how will the articulation to mitigate climate change, control the loss of biodiversity and the collateral effects of COVID 19, to achieve protecting planet and building resilience, especially in the LAC Region

    • #7388

      Anonymous Attendee questioned
      How is possible to mantain support to developing countries, since these countries appart of being rich in biodiversity are also rich in natural sources like oil and minerals. These countries are highly exploited because of their richness, how we can efficiently reduce this explotaition and put more real support?

    • #7389

      Tanzil questioned
      Is there temperature main factor for movement of virus during summer?

      • #7396

        Paula Ribeiro Prist responded
        Yes…..we believe this movement it´s happening through the mosquitoes (vectors) dispersion…and they are really affected by temperature

    • #7390

      Elhadji Salif questioned
      What about full involvement of private sector in order to avoid further degradation of biodiversity loss; be it in forestry areas or mining sector or fisheries sector, etc…….Resources are needed in terms of investments in developing countries in particular

    • #7391

      Krishna Prasad Pandey questioned
      How an early warning system can prevent viral disease like covid 19 in an increasingly globalized world?

      • #7393

        Doreen Robinson responded
        Strengthening early warning systems is important-including bringing in multi-sectoral data/information to identify threats. But equal investment has to be in the institutional systems to use that information in a timely manner–and investing in capacity in high risk countries is essential

    • #7392

      Elhadji Salif questioned
      From the WHO colleague intervention – One question: How to concretly involve the developing world in Programme such as One Planet/One Health while we all have seen how covid pandemy has been managed by countries in the North by their own – within their own borders/nationally or regionally in terms of resources/vaccines/ even masks sharing, etc…? Did you need to push for a real Shift and change on behavioral and attitude change and more opend, and transparent parnership – Ref SDG-17 on Global Partnership as put forward in the UN 2030 UN agenda?

    • #7394

      Anonymous Attendee questioned
      Question for Doreen and/or Cristina

      Thanks for flagging the role of Indigenous and Local Knowledge going forward. However, does this potentially conflict with Nils & Cristina’s focus on ‘science-based approaches & solutions’? Are we adopting a multiple-evidence base approach to OneHealth?

    • #7395

      Elhadji Salif questioned
      Are there relationship as far as zoonotic diseases are concerned for livestock/domestic animals and humans ? Any perspectives in terms of possible infectious patterns? if we know that local populations and even near urban populations use to leave in many cases with animals/domestic in their daily lives; e.g. in West Africa…….

      • #7399

        Doreen Robinson responded
        There are complex relationships depending on the pathogen. But there are risk mitigation measures that can be taken to ensure coexistence of humans and animals. Good animal production, hygiene practices in processing meat, milk and other products are key, vaccinations for humans and animals, limiting physical interactions between livestock and wildlife in certain seasons where known risks are high for disease transmission, these are some of things that can work

    • #7400

      Tim Hirsch questioned
      GBIF is currently prioritizing mobilization of occurrence data relating to vectors, hosts and reservoirs of zoonotic diseases. Even with current gaps, open-access biodiversity data is already used in many studies to evaluate disease spillover risk areas and other research relating to human health and climate change. Does the panel agree that increased biodiversity data sharing is an important component of improved understanding of disease risks and will help to target surveillance programmes?

    • #7401

      Guadalupe Yesenia Hernandez Marquez questioned
      Why you don´t propose Soil Degradation Convention UNDCC? I thing is very important too. Thanks

      • #7402

        Lily Rodriguez questioned
        Yes, of course, it should be included — the soil and the restoration of lands, thanks.

    • #7403

      Weronika Wilczy questioned
      What do we think about our current processes linked to withstanding future pandemic outbreaks? As far as I’m aware we are rather unsatisfied with how we have dealt with it. Is it even possible to target possible zoonotic vectors and work on it on a worldwide level?

      • #7406

        Doreen Robinson responded
        the One Health alliance between WHO, OIE and FAO, and hopefully soon UNEP is meant to look at this cross sectoral mobilization. The global community is talking about pandemic preparedness -but it has to include perspectives from all countries. More space for less developed countries and support for them to engage is needed. Also science is a tool to review our response and learn from evidence based lessons

    • #7404

      Anonymous Attendee questioned

      There is a motion to add ‘ecocide’ to the Rome Statute’s Article 8, putting it side-by-side with war crimes and making it more difficult for individual governments to avoid accountability.

      Would this help solidify accountability measures?

    • #7405

      Anonymous Attendee questioned
      For Doreen:
      Thank you for your valuable perspective. You mentioned “power of the purse”…do you have any ideas for how to motivate public health agencies in countries to support more capacity for ensuring zoonotic diseases aren’t spread through wildlife trade (implementing CITES)? Thank you!

    • #7407

      Helene Soubelet questioned
      Money is often the cornerstone of action. So what would be the main action to be implemented in order to reach a (real) green global finance? International agreement not to finance perverse activities (for example large deforestation of primary forests, or highly polluting activities?)? Implemente a global tax on any financial transfers (to fund research and biodiversity conservation)? Prohibit some financial activities?

    • #7408

      Weronika Wilczy commented
      In my opinion it’s not the youth that needs to be convinced to fight climate change and environmental issues, but the generation before. Of course, education and worldwide spread of understandably written/teached knowledge are essential to start discussion at every level.

      • #7409

        Doreen Robinson responded
        Agree- whole of society response needed. but we need to mobilize the energy, passion and innovation of youth more to develop the solutions

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