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KeymasterAlois Ngonyani responded
Thank you Dr. Jintana Kawasaki, thank you so very much for your good response.I participated in some of restoration activities in nothern Thailand and we used that method to restore limestone mining in Lampang and the same method in Thailand. I suggest may be you can consult FORRU of Chiang Mai university and see what you can do together!Thank youScience4biodiversity_moderator
KeymasterJintana Kawasaki responded
Thanks for your question and raise good point of FORRU using framework species in the northern Thailand. In the northeast of Thailand, the weather condition is more drougth than the north with poor soil fertile. It is important to select the native tree species which tolerant to drought as Pak Wan (Melientha suavis), Pek (Vietnamosasa pusilla. These plants have underground rhizomes so preventing them from being burned by wildfires that occure almost every year.Science4biodiversity_moderator
KeymasterJason Lee responded
in general,in every tea garden,we chose 4 plots to make comparison, since the 3 sites are artificial tea garden, so the 4 kinds are only tea living plot, tea mixplanting with trees with human interfering and without interfering, virgin forest,and then we studied its abundant rate and coverage rate.Science4biodiversity_moderator
KeymasterNtsiva Andriatsitohaina responded
I am also interested to the answer of the questionScience4biodiversity_moderator
KeymasterBixia Chen responded
We have measured every tree, tree height, diameter, and location in the villages. We have finished data collection of more than 20 villages. Tree species in the windbreak have been identified by a specialist and tallied.Science4biodiversity_moderator
KeymasterAlois Ngonyani questioned
I have little question on which method the use to study composition of coastal forest”Science4biodiversity_moderator
KeymasterAlois Ngonyani questioned
For Jason Lee, How did you measure that the biodiversity in the tea were enhanced?Science4biodiversity_moderator
KeymasterAlois Ngonyani questioned
I would like to ask Dr. Jintana Kawasaki, there are some restoration activities going in the northern Thailand with FORRU using framework species method and have proved to successfully in restoration of forests as wells in inceasing biodiversity, dont you think it could have been useful integrating that system as the part of promoting sustainable agroforestry in Phu Kao?Science4biodiversity_moderator
KeymasterJessica Kavonics responded
No they dont see themselves as untouchable but rather see themselves as having to working with mandates, by-laws, policies that they have to work within. So its about providing spaces for policymakers to share their confinments they work in with others and then civic society to understand and then policy makers to better integrate the locla knowledge….and then policy makers to recognise they are there to service the communities and must listenScience4biodiversity_moderator
KeymasterAnonymous Attendee questioned
How can I involve the policies in my research? I really want to involve them in the work because the soil and land restoration are too benefits for us as an agricultural country.Science4biodiversity_moderator
KeymasterAsghar Khan questioned
Does war effects ecosystem through throwing bombs, heavy artillery, gun powders.if so then what will be our stance worldwideScience4biodiversity_moderator
KeymasterSander Bauer questioned
Lily Zeng this ties closely to how power dynamics are continuously challenged, not only through civic society but also by grassroots participants. But don’t policymakers consider themselves untouchable due to their formal position? ; )Science4biodiversity_moderator
KeymasterJosue ARUNA questioned
Dear speakers happy for the discussion about restoration. how do you engage more civil society network as to Access to funding is not easy to help us to for advocacy on biodiversity conservation , restoration when are facing mining company causing threat and when we acting for nature based solution to respected the mining company cause threat nature Defenders.Science4biodiversity_moderator
KeymasterCatarina Jakovac – IIS/WUR responded
Restoration involves several social and biophisical complexities that wouldn’t allow for a universal model to fit all situations. On your question on how to restore if we need to produce food, there are studies showing that agricultural productivity can be improved, food waste can be reduced and meat consumption (which requires a lot of land) can also be reduced. These changes could spare land for restoration, for example.Science4biodiversity_moderator
KeymasterCatarina Jakovac – IIS/WUR responded
Thanks for your very relevant question. Land conflicts are indeed a crucial aspect to be considered when planning restoration. Restoration governance is therefore crucial in both the planning and implementation stages. I am not aware of indicators available for such conflicts, but the complexity of social aspects and coflicts are more acurately accessed at local scales. This is a great challenge we have ahead! -