Forum Replies Created
KeymasterJorge Ventocilla questioned
Understanding that knowledge is needed to inform policy, and aware that reports like the GBO and the IPBES GA testify to things not going well for biodiversity, for some decades now, what else is missing to mobilize policy? It’s certainly more than just the inability to communicate in a common language.Science4biodiversity_moderator
KeymasterDerrick Mugisha questioned
It’s Derrick Mugisha, from CEO Biodiversity Hub International and Coordinator Uganda Youth Biodiversity Network, my question is what percentage of the each aichi target was achieved from what Ogwal has presented on Targets AchievedScience4biodiversity_moderator
KeymasterTaye Teferi questioned
It is important and very useful to provide helpful reports like ‘Making Peace With Nature’ but if this is not accompanied by a practical, easy to use ‘influence plan’, it just remains a report that may not be acted on. Is there an ‘influence plan’ that accompanies this important report which can guide stakeholders drive the effort from ‘evidence-to-influence’ and get meaningful action?Science4biodiversity_moderator
KeymasterAnthony Stephen DiMeglio questioned
In regards to science communication, what are we doing to address the decline in the animal and animal behaviour images in communicating science? I reference this paper here: DOI: 10.1016/j.anbehav.2015.02.004Science4biodiversity_moderator
KeymasterDebapriyo Chakraborty questioned
Sir Robert – My question is in the context of what you talked about–the current GDP-focused economic paradigm that is driven essentially by consumption. In this context, what is your opinion on the sustainability of Green Investment projects, which encourage environment-friendly investments without really challenging the fundamental consumption-based business models.Science4biodiversity_moderator
KeymasterLawrence Sperling questioned
Sir Watson – the 2030 Sustainable Development Agenda started out of the blocks with a lot of enthusiasm and seemed to generate a great deal of political will – countries, financial institutions, companies and civil society organizations world wide began to organize their strategies around the SDG framework, and partner with each other, reflecting increased awareness of the interconnected nature of social, economic, environmental and governance issues. Despite this “great buzz”, by 2020 (i.e., before the pandemic), it was already apparent that the world was far behind in achieving the SDGs. To what do you attribute this failure across all the dimensions of the SDGs, in spite of all the excitement they initially generated. What lessons can we take from this for reinvigorating the interconnected approach you call for in the post-pandemic era?.Science4biodiversity_moderator
KeymasterJacqueline Hamilton questioned
What are some ways to communicate that states (and all actors) can no longer pick their favourite/easiest targets and not act on critical actions and integration, especially participation of marginalized communities?Science4biodiversity_moderator
KeymasterNakul Chetri questioned
The mountain ecosystem, which is the last bastion of biodiversity with 50% of global biodiversity hotspots, such as the Himalayas are facing double edge challenges of higher global warming and biodiversity loss impacting on food, water and energy among others. Any view for greater attention to such fragile ecosystems!Science4biodiversity_moderator
KeymasterKeita Hamada questioned
My question is, what can be suggested as an alternative as a means of consumption that is sustainable that does not have unintended consequences and harm the environment? What can we do as common consumers to prevent further environmental degradation?Science4biodiversity_moderator
KeymasterAlice C. Hughes questioned
Prof Watson, what would you see as the probability to “recovering better” when many countries have actively removed environmental safeguards to provide an economic stimulus for recovery? Can you see mechanisms to circumvent these risks?Science4biodiversity_moderator
KeymasterKrishna Prasad Pandey questioned
Protecting biodiversity in protected areas in small developing countries is challenging due to lack of land for economic development. How can such countries reconcile development and conservation in the long run?Science4biodiversity_moderator
KeymasterDario Piselli questioned
Hi all! I have a comment for Prof Maron: as an environmental lawyer, I find your point 5 (‘capture key biodiversity’) incredibly compelling. I would argue that under that point one could also consider how the post-2020 GBF will define concepts such as ecosystem integrity or ecosystem-based approaches. Excessively broad normative definitions will make some of the action targets impossible to implement/monitor in a way that contributes to the desired net outcomes, even if associated with quantitative indicators.Science4biodiversity_moderator
KeymasterKeita Hamada questioned
Thank you very much for your informative presentation Dr. Izabela Delabre. I would like to raise a question regarding the economic growth based on plant based commodities such as palm oil, which is being labelled as an example of high ILUC commodities by the EU. What are some alternatives for these countries and regions that depend on these commodities? Is sustainable production of commodities such as palm oil possible and if so, how can we achieve this without hampering economic development?Science4biodiversity_moderator
KeymasterAlice Hughes questioned
Desert and savanna systems are increasingly being targeted for “greening” projects, how do we ensure that we always develop a baseline of biodiversity as a basis for development and greening rather than replacing a naturally dry ecosystem for carbon or economic gains?Science4biodiversity_moderator
KeymasterANNA HEWSON questioned
In the UK we have written ‘net gain’ for dev into our ‘impending’ env bill at around 10% or more (following this being best practise in the private sector for a number of years). And planners are already looking for planning conditions for dev in respect of this, should we be aiming for rewilding and net gain to meet indedependant UN Goals for all development? -