Forum Replies Created
KeymasterElhadji Salif DIOP questioned
To Ivar A Baste – What about Behavioral attitude changes from Private Sector as well as wider and true partnership for improving biodiversity loss and other huge land degradation the planet is submitting to?Science4biodiversity_moderator
KeymasterGeng QIN questioned
We know the data, as innovative method, is a double-eaged swords toward biodiversity. On the one hand , eDNA technology brought a large convenient on Access and Benefit Sharing (ABS) system; however, one the other hand, eDNA technology is increasing the difficulty for the cross-border supervision. is it a good way to govern the sustainbility for digital information on DNA on biodiversity ?Science4biodiversity_moderator
KeymasterBashir Yusuf Abubakar questioned
My experience is so clear as to how biodiversity relate to forest cover. In my specifically at northern Nigeria, was that we had increased wild animals presence within the forested parts of the farm. Based on this, I kept on emphasizing the need for a farm system change to Agroforestry in the whole of sub saharan Africa. I believe with that biodiversity increase is assured while other important ecosystem services are sustainably realized. I wish the FAO and co would bless my humble submission. Thank you. Dr Bashir Y Abubakar department of Botany ABU Zaria Nigeria.Science4biodiversity_moderator
KeymasterKrishna Prasad Pandey questioned
How can economist change their behaviour to decouple economic development and environmental degradation in the long run?Science4biodiversity_moderator
KeymasterJohn Forgach questioned
Dr Gupta, great presentation! Don’t you believe a global solution to systemic exhaustion of Natural resources could (should?) be to focus and concentrate on changing consumer consciousness? We need to consume in a more intelligent and sustainable manner, without affecting our quality of life and general potential for happiness.Science4biodiversity_moderator
KeymasterAnonymous Attendee questioned
Question to Ms Joyeeta Gupta: According to you, what instruments do you suggest including all these criteria?Science4biodiversity_moderator
KeymasterIvar A. Baste responded
A key question Salif, In the UNEP report we amongst other point out that: “Governments can incorporate full natural capital accounting into their decision-making and use policies and regulatory frameworks to provide incentives for businesses to do the same. Incentives can favour sustainability and penalize environmental degradation, for instance by taxing unsustainable resource use and pollution rather than production and labour, measures that also promote a circular economy. Governments phasing out harmful subsidies can redirect that support to low-carbon and nature-friendly solutions and technologies.” Furthermore: “Some nations may need development assistance to help finance shifts towards a more sustainable economy. Transforming the nexus of energy, human settlements, agriculture, forestry and water systems is among the highest priorities.” So these may be key points to reflect in the post-2020 GBF.Science4biodiversity_moderator
KeymasterElhadji Salif DIOP questioned
Great presentation from Ivar Baste – QUESTION: How to align economic development that surpasses largely the need for developing sustainably our Nature including saveguarding our biodiversity e.g. mining in various regions of the world…Are we really optimistic for zero net degradation over our present nature.Science4biodiversity_moderator
KeymasterKevin Esvelt responded
Exactly. Without incentives to share plans with communities before experiments, most scientists will never hear other perspectives or dissenting voices. Listening to Maori elders discuss their values and more holistic worldview has profoundly changed our approach to ecotechnology projects well beyond Aotearoa, in ways that people of very different backgrounds have endorsed. But this sort of relationship is discouraged, and is likely to remain so without a registry to coordinate funders and journals to incentivize transparency and require community sponsorship.Science4biodiversity_moderator
KeymasterJohny S. Tasirin commented
Challenge to the ecotechnology is to determine the breadth of values of ethical standards in places of various social backgrounds.Science4biodiversity_moderator
KeymasterYan Liu responded
China’s ongoing work on the Ecological Red Line provides an effective tool for ecological space planning, ecosystem services and biodiversity conservation. Personally. The Ecological Red Line Is based on China’s conditions, I believe that could provide experience and useful reference to other countries interested. As far as my organization is concerned, we are willing to work with our Chinese partners to take the opportunity to participate in relevant capacity development projects in the future.Science4biodiversity_moderator
KeymasterJamison Ervin commented
I believe that China has a unique approach to land use planning, identifying key areas for conservation. It would be very interesting to see how China’s approach could inform the process of developing “Essential Life Support Areas,” and vice versa. (Please see I would love to see a strong commitment to integrated land use planning emerge at COP 15 in Kunming this fall.Science4biodiversity_moderator
KeymasterAlice C. Hughes questioned
Dr Liu Yan, China is currently leading approaches to measure protected area effectiveness, and through ecological redlines developing new sustainable modes of development. How do you think these lessons can better be implemented elsewhere, especially through the capacity building efforts of various CAS and related institutes?Science4biodiversity_moderator
KeymasterJamison Ervin responded
Hi Madhav – thank you for your question! Data is a starting point – as the basis for better knowledge and information. Fully agree with your comment! You might be interested in seeing how we are using dynamic data at, and how we are working with governments to support mapping of “Essential Life Support Areas” in 12 countries:
KeymasterMadhav Karki commented
I congratulate Dr. Ervin for her brilliant presentation; While I agree to her stress on dat based solutions, my question is: Is data alone can provide the transformative solutions? would not we need information and knowledge in fact I feel that we need knowledge – inclusive knowledge that includes ILK and practices, – based solutions; Knowledge that is dynamic, that connects future actions with the the past learning. will be grateful for your response. Thanks -