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KeymasterYan Liu commented
Thank you for your comments and clarification. I was a taxonomist at the beginning of my professional life. There is no doubt that taxonomy expertise is very important in biodiversity investigation and monitoring. Perhaps the slice does not express my points in appropriate way, actually, just because of the importance of taxonomists, and I believe that environmental DNA technology can free taxonomists from extensive investigation and sampling and play a vital role in the critical stages of classification identification.Science4biodiversity_moderator
KeymasterKaren Siu-Ting commented
A comment to Dr Yan Liu’s presentation. I disagree with your statement that with undertaking eDNA monitoring you avoid the need for taxonomists. All the opposite! now with the need to increment the information in databases to help identify eDNA sampling, taxonomists studies are more more needed than ever to help in this effort. Investment in taxonomy and biodiversity research is very urgently needed to help clarify and delimit the species to enable eDNA studies.Science4biodiversity_moderator
KeymasterYan Liu responded
Thank you for your question. As far as I know, many departments and local governments in China attach great importance to the conservation and inheritance of traditional knowledge related to biodiversity, carrying out a series of surveys and cataloguing work and developing encouraging conservation measures. I believe those measures and actions are on the track to protect biodiversity.Science4biodiversity_moderator
KeymasterMadhav Karki questioned
My question to Yan Liu: thanks for your clear presentation. my question is: Apart from technologies and innovations, how China is using indigenous and local knowledge in planning post 2020 biodiversity framework my take is techlogical fix alone will not halt biodiversity loss and restore the degraded habitats?Science4biodiversity_moderator
KeymasterJohny S. Tasirin commented
From the summary of session two, I think we should pay more attention to fast-growing tree species to provide sustainable sources for energy generation.Science4biodiversity_moderator
KeymasterSmily SMILY questioned
Any standards to check sustainable forest management?Science4biodiversity_moderator
KeymasterAlexandros Gasparatos responded
Thanks for the comment Ms Spencer. I completely agree with your point. This reflects very well the point I tried to made about the need for context-specific understanding of the possible impacts and solutions.Science4biodiversity_moderator
KeymasterRuth Spencer commented
Thanks Mr Gasparatos and Good morning-Ruth Spencer from Antigua and Barbuda-a small Caribbean SIDS , We have the high and hot temperatures perfect for the transition but it is not a just transition since regulatory processes are not transparent and approval conditions for RE systems getting more and more difficult . In additon each year we are faced with hurricanes and storms which are increasing in frequencies and intensities so RE systems must be designed as flexible systems that can be put up and down in a short time interval.Science4biodiversity_moderator
Keymasterjannysumilla questioned
Can individual researcher publish directly to GBIF Data found out to be deficient from a certain Distribution without the links to Institutional affiliations?Science4biodiversity_moderator
Keymasterbashiryusufabubakar questioned
I’m still with the opinion that the best approach to save and enrich our biodiversity is a complete change to our farming system in sub saharan Africa. Agroforestry ensures you enrich the farms with more multipurpose trees with direct implications on biodiversity enrichment. But, why not the FAO put a policy and implementation on our farming system?Science4biodiversity_moderator
KeymasterNatasha Ali commented
You can see the analysis in this CBD INF doc here:
KeymasterRaki Ap responded
Thanks for answer Mike!Indigenous Perspectives is essential, because if cared about their lives and rights, we did not had a climate and biodiversity crisis.
So I hope we all realize this thr way ahead in all the things we do.
God Bless You All.
KeymasterAlina Lupu questioned
Just to complement what Henrique said : The European Commission will soon launch the implementation of the Digital Twin of the Earth ( and a call for experts will be published, for modelling and the design and implementation of large scale, data and compute intensive federated systems, in particular federated architecture design, HPC and cloud infrastructures operations and management, AI, data governance and stewardship.
The expert group will help also the preparation of the Biodiversity Digital Twin that will be officially launched in 2024 (but start being prepared now).Science4biodiversity_moderator
KeymasterAnna Hewson questioned
How do other countries fund their ‘open data sets’ for protecting bng sites? Is there an uplifted government budget for open data and handling of data, anf standards, to ensure accuracy of one national database? Having these conversations now in the UK.*open data sets for protected BNG sites (to avoid future development on them)
KeymasterMike Gill responded
Here’s two that sort of cover this but there are many more. Some grey literature publications from WCMC on the BIP website that might be useful.
Han, X., Gill, M., Hamilton, H., Vergara, S., and Young, B. (2020). Progress on national biodiversity indicator reporting and prospects for filling indicator gaps in Southeast Asia. Environmental and Sustainability Indicators
Bhatt. R., Gill, M., Hamilton, H., Han, X., Linden, H., and Young, B. (2020). Uneven Use of Biodiversity Indicators in Fifth National Reports to the Convention on Biological Diversity. Environmental Conservation -