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KeymasterThank you for your question. In Japan, the number of forestry workers has been decreasing so far, and the area under forest management is decreasing. Most of the forests in Japan are suitable age for logging, but cannot be logged. It is also difficult to conduct the proper thinning. In addition to the declining population, there is concern that management will continue to decline because of the expected decline in the birthrate and aging population.
KeymasterThanks Li Gu, we deliberately wanted to move away from associating specific colours with the corners to not fall into stereotypical tropes that green means ‘better’ or nature based. So we deliberately didn’t go with the conventional colour allocations 🙂
KeymasterLi Li questioned
I found the new IPBES triangle framework very inspiring, especially on the dimension of nature as culture. I wonder how this dimension of nature can be captured by scenario analysis as the level of harmony between nature and people is intangible and not easy to assess. And how this kind of information could contribute to the implementation of the post-2020 GBF?Science4biodiversity_moderator
KeymasterCouvet questioned
What is the evidence of forest degradation (associated to depopulation) ?Science4biodiversity_moderator
KeymasterFikremariam Ghion Melaku questioned
I would like to get some explanation or reflection on how post 2020 GBF effectively implemented or enforced?Science4biodiversity_moderator
KeymasterLi GU questioned
Maybe the color yellow for nature for society, and the color green for nature for nature is better?Science4biodiversity_moderator
KeymasterLawrence Sperling questioned
For Francis – can you elaborate on the “science-policy interface”? As you move from broad goals to milestones and targets, the technical nature of the framework may quickly become overwhelming for non-technical policy-makers, whose buy-in is critical to marshalling the resources and maintaing the momentum needed to achieve the goals. How do you make sure that the wonderful technical work being done to elaborate and implement the 2050 GBF is understood and taken up by policy makers to garner the political will and resources needed to realize the theory of change?Science4biodiversity_moderator
KeymasterWANG Ying questioned
Any possibility to set/formulate targets/indicators to reflect the synergy of CBD and UNFCCC?Science4biodiversity_moderator
KeymasterKolan Bharath Reddy
Why dont cbd has a review mechanism where if parties are implementing the targets ? and give ranking to the parties based on their achievements…like how world bank ranks countries based on economic achievementScience4biodiversity_moderator
KeymasterMichael Cedric B. Bartolome questioned
about the target 11 on biodiversity in green/blue spaces specially in urban areas, can it be incorporated in the range ing matrix for green building certifications?Science4biodiversity_moderator
KeymasterValasia Iakovoglou quuestioned
What are the actions for outreach? Thank youScience4biodiversity_moderator
KeymasterAnna Hewson questioned
Will there be any actions on population size as well – incentives for less children, co2 budget per household? Tricky.Science4biodiversity_moderator
KeymasterEileen Bogweh Nchanji questioned
How are we make sure we are leaving no one behind?Science4biodiversity_moderator
KeymasterAnna Hewson questioned
Francis – Was the commitment 5 or 20% for a updated zero draft (a) for area connectivity and integrity of natural ecosystems? The bold text seemed different to the italics apologies I missed why this wasScience4biodiversity_moderator
KeymasterAnthony Stephen DiMeglio questioned
Regarding improvements to science communication and mainstreaming nature, what are we doing to address the decline in use and generation of animal and animal behaviour images to communicating science? I reference this paper to introduce the topic: DOI: 10.1016/j.anbehav.2015.02.004 -